Tokyo Mew Mew Fanon Wiki

Hi guys! 

I've been away for a really long long time, and I'm really sorry about it.

I've not really had a whole ton of time to think/work on tokyo mew mew/fan stuff recently.

Like I said last time I was around, I was working on a very big personal project this summer, so I was quite busy with it for a while. I also started my foundation course this year before heading to legit university so it's been pretty hectic here with all the school work and juggling the added stuff for personal project. 

So unfortunately I don't really ahve a ton of stuff to mpost immediately or really anything. I want to get back to editing pages regularly here, especially becuase very recently I designed some new characters for a different continuity story (and the fandom feels are here too ahhh). So hopefully I should just finish up all the pages for the TMMR characters and then move onto the next one ;v;


Ah but how is everyone on the WIki?? I here from a couple of you over on my deviantart account but how are the rest of you??

Are there any particular changes I should be aware of? Is there anything important that I missed?

I hope you all are doing fine either way vuv And hopefully i'll be around to talk to all of you guys and read all the new stuff that;s been put up since I was away! 
